This year I really wanted to have fun with decorating for Halloween. I had already decorated the display case and lead the Halloween dance but it wasn't enough.
When I was in elementary school I remember coming off the bus after school to the sight of a huge pumpkin sitting beside my front steps. It was E.T.!!!!! While we were at school my mother took the liberty to carve E.T. and surprise us for when we got off the bus. I remember being so excited and thrilled. Ever since then I have always wanted to carve one of my own for my students. Instead of carving all the shapes out of the pumpkin I just carved the surface of it and I had so much fun. It's not very often I get a chance to do my own art, this was close enough.
Below are some images of another pumpkin, a much larger pumpkin that I carved in the same night. I got both ideas off the Internet. I believe the larger more abstract design was off of Martha Stewart's web page. You'll also see in the images below that I created a display in our front lobby using bails of hay.The reaction was wondering from staff and students. I am glad I could be a part of the Halloween spirit.
This was my first year in a very long time since I had dressed up for Halloween. It ended up being a lot of fun and I look forward to dressing up again next year. I never thought I would say that. Dressing up is usually not my thing, but I guess things change when you work with kids. They enjoy it so much!
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